Rhinoplasty Turkey (Nose Job)

Rhinoplasty Turkey is a special operation performed to shape the nasal tissues and eliminate nose-related aesthetic problems. The nose, located in the center of the face, is of great importance for the aesthetic integrity and attractiveness of the face. Aesthetic problems in the nose can negatively affect the harmony of the face. Rhinoplasty is performed to both eliminate these negativities and create an attractive nose that is suitable for your facial features. In the rest of our article, we will answer FAQs such as “How is rhinoplasty performed?”, “What are the processes before and after nose surgery?”, “What is the age limit for rhinoplasty?” and “How is closed rhinoplasty surgery performed?”.

For detailed information about Turkey rhinoplasty and similar operations or treatments, you can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS).

What is Rhinoplasty aka Nose Job?

Rhinoplasty is a special operation, also known in medical terms as rhinoplasty, which is performed to eliminate various aesthetic and functional problems related to the nose. Today, this operation can be performed using different techniques. These techniques include methods such as rhinoplasty surgery with an open approach, rhinoplasty surgery with a closed approach and piezo rhinoplasty. Thanks to rhinoplasty surgery, it is possible to eliminate deformities in the nasal bone, reduce the size of the nose to fit the face, lift the tip of the nose, eliminate the appearance of the crookedness and the hump on the nose. Moreover, thanks to these procedures, problems such as mouth breathing (not being able to breathe through the nose) can be solved.

Why is Rhinoplasty Performed?

Rhinoplasty can be done for reasons such as:

  • To eliminate deformities in the nose that are associated with the nasal bone and cartilage structure and position.
  • To ensure that the nose is in the harmony with the face.
  • Reducing the size of the nose.
  • To eliminate droopy nose tip/to lift the tip of the nose.
  • Eliminating the hump of the nose.
  • To eliminate problems related to breathing.

Rhinoplasty can be performed for such purposes.

Who Can Have Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty can be performed on individuals who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their nose and want a nose that is compatible with their face. This application is one of the most frequently preferred aesthetic operations by both men and women.

Is Rhinoplasty Risky?

Rhinoplasty carries some risks such as post-operative bleeding and infection. However, the reason why these risks arise is that the surgery does not occur under ideal conditions and is performed by an inexperienced team. And also for such reasons, an unpleasant appearance that the individual never asked for or a nose that is inharmonious to the face may be seen as an outcome. Individuals who want to be protected from the aforementioned risks are advised to be careful when choosing a doctor for rhinoplasty.

Is Rhinoplasty Painful?

It is not possible to feel pain or discomfort during rhinoplasty. Because before rhinoplasty, the surgeon and anaesthesiologist who will perform the surgery plan an anaesthesia application specific to the general health condition of the individual and the details of the surgery. Thanks to this application, the patient does not feel anything during the surgery. Thus, the surgery is performed painlessly and ideally.

What is the Age Limit for Rhinoplasty?

The age limit for rhinoplasty is 18. Individuals under the age of 18 are not recommended to have rhinoplasty. However, in some special cases, rhinoplasty can be performed on minors with the approval of their parents.

How Long Does Rhinoplasty Take?

Rhinoplasty may take up to 2 to 3 hours, depending on the techniques used during the surgery and the purpose of the surgery. Your doctor will provide comprehensive information about the duration and similar details of the rhinoplasty surgery via the consultation before the surgery.

How is Rhinoplasty Turkey Performed?

As we mentioned before, rhinoplasty can be done with different techniques. In this article, we will talk about the approaches to the rhinoplasty, namely open and close rhinoplasty surgery. Although both approaches have their own pros and cons and that each approach is no better than the other, it’s usually all about the surgeon’s choice, and the individuals wants and needs. So this part will be all about explaining each method rather than advising or directing the candidate on choosing one method over another.

Open rhinoplasty surgery is an operation that is usually performed under general anaesthesia and is more comprehensive than closed rhinoplasty. In the first step of this operation, about a centimeter-sized incision is made at the midpoint of the nostrils. With the help of this incision, the nasal skin is lifted. Thus, complete view of the nasal structure and tissues is established. Then, the tissues in question are rearranged within the scope of surgery planning. During this procedure, much more comprehensive and detailed procedures can be performed compared to the nose surgery with the closed approach. After the procedures are completed, the incisions are stitched with aesthetic stitches and the surgery is completed.

Closed rhinoplasty surgery is usually performed under general anaesthesia, but in rare cases local anaesthesia may also be preferred. During closed rhinoplasty surgery, unlike open surgery, no incision is made on the outer part of the nose. Nasal tissues are manipulated and re-arranged with the help of special surgical tools inserted through the nostrils. The procedures performed during this surgery are smaller in scale. However, closed nose surgery is more advantageous because it leaves no scars and the healing process is faster.

What are the processes before and after rhinoplasty Turkey?

Before rhinoplasty, the doctor and the patient have a detailed interview called pre-operative consultation. During this interview, the patient’s expectations from rhinoplasty surgery are listened to. The nose appearance that the patient wants to achieve is discussed. The doctor also shares his ideas with the patient during this process. Ultimately, a personalized rhinoplasty plan is made in line with the individual’s wishes and the doctor’s experience. All procedures used during the surgery are performed according to this planning, so that the appearance of the nose after the surgery can be foreseen in advance.

After rhinoplasty surgery, patients can be discharged on the same day or stay in the hospital for 1 night. After the discharge, some points should be taken into consideration until full recovery. For example, you should lie on your back with your head elevated for a while, you should not shower before your cast removal appointment, you will be prohibited for blowing your nose for the first 6 weeks and your nose should not be touched for two days after the surgery. The full list regarding the aftercare and prescriptions will be shared with you post-operatively and you will be responsible of following them as the aftercare can affect the outcome of your surgery.

Turkey Rhinoplasty Prices 2024

You can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS) for further information and up-to-date prices about the Turkey rhinoplasty surgery.

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