Prominent Ear Surgery Turkey (Otoplasty)

Prominent ear surgery Turkey is performed to eliminate the prominent ear appearance that occurs as a result of inadequate development of ear tissues and to create an aesthetic harmony between the ears and the head. The prominent ear appearance is largely due to congenital causes and is usually noticeable before the individual starts primary school. It is possible to easily eliminate this appearance thanks to prominent ear surgery. Prominent ear surgery can be performed on adults as well as children over the age of 6. In the rest of our article, we will be answering FAQs such as “How is prominent ear surgery performed?”, “How long does prominent ear surgery take?”, “Is pain felt during prominent ear surgery?” and “At what age should prominent ear surgery be performed?”.

For detailed information about prominent ear aesthetics and similar operations or treatments in Turkey, you can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS).

What is Otoplasty?

Protruding ear surgery is a special operation performed to ensure that the ears establish an ideal angle with the head and to eliminate the appearance of prominent ears. Thanks to this operation, the position of the ears can be rearranged. Thus, the prominent ear appearance is eliminated. The surgery can be performed on any individual from an early age. Individuals do not feel pain or discomfort during this surgery, which is performed under anaesthesia and under sterile operating room conditions.

What is a Prominent/Protruding Ear?

Protruding ears are a problem that occurs because the cartilages in the ear area are not sufficiently developed and/or are looser than the ideal level. This problem is usually noticed in childhood. If it is not treated at an early age, it can cause the individual to be bullied by his/her peers and have self-confidence problems. Therefore, it is recommended that prominent ear surgery be performed at an early/pre-school age, if possible.

What Causes Protruding Ears?

The prominent ear appearance occurs as a result of the cartilages that make up the ear not developing sufficiently. Since these cartilages are not sufficiently developed, the ears cannot establish a healthy connection with the head. In case of prominent ears, the angle between the head and the ears is greater than the ideal level. Having prominent ears usually occurs due to genetic reasons.

Why is Prominent Ear Surgery Turkey Performed?

Protruding ear surgery is performed to ensure that the ears achieve a healthy harmony with the head and to reduce the angle between the ears and the head. Thus, the prominent appearance is eliminated. Due to this appearance, secondary problems such as social pressure, exclusion, low self-confidence and bullying that the individual may be exposed to can also be prevented.

Is Prominent Ear Surgery Painful?

Protruding ear surgery is not a painful operation. Before this operation, the doctor, together with the anaesthesiologist, makes an anaesthesia plan specific to the length of the surgery, the individual’s age and the individual’s general health condition. Since the patient is put under anaesthesia before the surgery, he does not feel pain or discomfort during the procedures. Thus, prominent ear surgery is completed smoothly and painlessly.

How Long Does Prominent Ear Surgery Turkey Take?

Protruding ear surgery takes approximately 30 minutes for each ear. In other words, the operation is completed in approximately 1 hour. However, the duration may vary depending on the extent of the prominent ear problem and the type of technique used during the surgery. Your doctor will give detailed information about the estimated duration of prominent ear surgery before the surgery.

How is Prominent Ear Surgery Performed?

During prominent ear surgery, anaesthesia is first performed. Thus, the patient does not feel pain or discomfort during the surgery. Then, special surgical incisions are made behind the ears. Ears are treated through these incisions using special stitching and positioning procedures. This ensures that the ears gain a natural and harmonious appearance with the head. After the planned procedures are completed, the surgical incisions are closed and the surgery ends.

What is the Recovery Process After Prominent Ear Surgery?

Individuals who have prominent ear surgery are taken to a private room to rest for a few hours after the surgery. In this room, healthcare professionals carefully care and observe the individual. The individual’s parents may also come to this room. After the necessary procedures are completed, the patient is discharged. Discharged patients are prohibited for showering for several days. Likewise, they should regularly use the medications prescribed by the doctor. If possible, they should prefer a supine position while sleeping.

Turkey Prominent Ear Surgery Prices 2024

You can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS) for further information and up-to-date prices about the Turkey Prominent Ear/Otoplasty Surgery.

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