Preservation Rhinoplasty Turkey

Preservation rhinoplasty Turkey is a highly advanced rhinoplasty technique performed by preserving the cartilage, connective tissue and similar soft tissues in the nose. During traditional rhinoplasty surgeries, various procedures are performed to shape the target tissues and give the nose an aesthetic structure. Some of these procedures cause wear and tear to the soft tissues around the nose and a certain amount of damage. Accordingly, intense oedema and bruising are observed on the face after the surgery. In the preservation rhinoplasty technique, the tissues in question are not harmed, and all applications are performed by targeting only the tissues on which the procedure is planned. Thus, patients recover much faster after nose surgery and can return to their daily lives more quickly. In the rest of our article, we will be answering FAQs such as “How is protective rhinoplasty performed?”, “How long does protective rhinoplasty last?”, “What are the advantages of protective rhinoplasty?” and “To whom can protective rhinoplasty be performed?”.

For detailed information about Turkey preventive rhinoplasty and similar operations or treatments, you can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS).

What is Preservation aka Protective Rhinoplasty?

Preservation rhinoplasty is the most modern surgical technique preferred during rhinoplasty surgeries today. This technique is becoming more popular day by day both in our country and in the rest of the world. The reason for this is that the soft tissues in the nose are not damaged during the operation.(These soft tissues include connective tissues, cartilages and fatty tissues). Since these tissues are not damaged during the surgery, patients recover much faster afterwards. While they are in the healing process, facial bruising and swelling is extremely minimal. Therefore, they can quickly return to their daily lives and work. Preservation rhinoplasty is also known among the public as protective rhinoplasty.

Why is Preservation Rhinoplasty Performed?

Preservation rhinoplasty may be performed for purposes such as:

  • To correct the curvatures seen in the nasal bone.
  • To eliminate the humpy appearance of the nose.
  • To ensure that the nose has an aesthetically attractive and harmonious appearance with the face.
  • Reducing the size of the nose.
  • To eliminate the droopy nose tip.

Preservation rhinoplasty can be performed for the aforementioned reasons.

Who Can Have Preservation Rhinoplasty Turkey?

Preservation rhinoplasty is generally preferred by individuals who want to have an aesthetically pleasing nose but are hesitant about post-operative processes. It’s a great fit for the individuals who have a busy working life and cannot spare time for a long recovery process. However, it should be noted that preservation rhinoplasty can only be applied to an individual over the age of 18.

What are the Benefits of Preservation Rhinoplasty?

The advantages and benefits of Preservation rhinoplasty are:

  • Only target tissues are intervened during surgery.
  • The surgery is performed with extreme precision.
  • Postoperative recovery period is shorter.
  • Postoperative problems such as swelling, oedema and bruising are extremely minimal.
  • Returning to daily routine is more rapid than that of traditional rhinoplasty.
  • The tip of the nose does not become droopy after the surgery.

The advantages and benefits of preservation rhinoplasty can be listed as above.

Is Preservation Rhinoplasty Painful?

Preservation rhinoplasty is not a painful operation because patients are given anaesthesia before the surgery. The length and details of the anaesthesia procedure are specifically adjusted according to the scope and duration of the surgery. Thus, patients do not feel pain or discomfort during the surgery.

How Long Does Preservation Rhinoplasty Turkey Take?

The duration of preservation rhinoplasty Turkey surgery may vary depending on the procedures to be performed during the surgery. This operation usually takes about 2 hours. Your doctor will give detailed information about the duration of preservation rhinoplasty before the surgery.

How is Preservation Rhinoplasty Done?

During preservation rhinoplasty surgery, the patient is first anaesthetized. This prevents the patient from feeling pain and discomfort during the surgery. Then, previously planned changes are made with the help of procedures performed through the nostrils. During these procedures, important tissues in the nose are not damaged. Only target tissues are intervened.

What are the processes before and after Preservation Rhinoplasty?

Before preservation rhinoplasty Turkey, the doctor and the patient have a detailed meeting called the pre-surgical consultation. During this meeting, the patient’s expectations from rhinoplasty are listened to. Various measurements are taken from the nose, then, the details of the surgery are planned together with the patient. The patient is informed in detail about the surgery.

After preservation rhinoplasty, patients usually stay in the hospital for 1 night. They are then discharged. The oedema and bruising in their nose disappear to a large extent within 1 week. During this process, they can return to their daily lives with the guidance of their doctor.

Turkey Preservation Rhinoplasty Prices 2024

You can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS) for further information and up-to-date prices about the Turkey Preservation Rhinoplasty Surgery.

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