Neck Lift Turkey

Neck lift Turkey is an operation performed to tighten the skin tissue in and around the neck and to get rid of the sagging in this area. The neck area creates an aesthetic transition between the face, chin and décolleté area. Therefore, sagging of the mentioned areas may also negatively affect the existing aesthetic problems, making the patient insecure about the overall appearance of their face and neck. Problems such as sagging in the neck area, which develop as a result of weight gain and loss and similar factors, can be eliminated with neck lift aesthetics, thus, an attractive and elegant neck appearance can be created. In the rest of our article, we will answer FAQs such as “How is neck lift surgery performed?”, “How long does neck lift surgery last?”, ” Who is Suitable for the neck lift surgery?” and “Is neck lift surgery permanent?”.

For detailed information about Turkey neck lift surgery and similar operations or treatments, you can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS).

What is Neck Lift?

Neck lift is an operation performed to eliminate sagging in the neck and décolleté area and to create an aesthetic appearance in the mentioned areas. Thanks to this operation, excess fat and skin tissue in the neck area can be removed. Thus, an aesthetic transition can be created between the face, chin, neck and décolleté area. Neck lift surgery is widely preferred by both men and women today. This operation is frequently performed especially after bariatric surgeries.

Why is Neck Lift Done?

Neck lift surgery can be performed for the following reasons:

  • To remove excess fat and skin tissue in the neck area, thus eliminating sagging in the neck area.
  • To ensure that the neck area creates an aesthetic transition between the jaw line and the décolleté area.
  • To ensure that the neck area gains a young, firm and attractive appearance.
  • Eliminating wrinkles and lines in the neck area.

Neck lift surgery can be performed for the aforementioned purposes.

Who İs Suitable for the Neck Lift Surgery?

Neck lift surgery is generally performed on middle-aged or older individuals. This is because connective tissues weaken and neck tissues sag with advancing age. However, some individuals may experience neck sagging as a result of excessive weight loss or similar factors. That’s why neck lift surgery is also frequently preferred by younger patients. Generally speaking, any individual over the age of 18 can have a neck lift aesthetic whenever they want, upon request.

Is Neck Lift Painful?

Neck lift surgery is not a painful operation. Before the surgery, an anesthesiologist and the surgeon who will perform the surgery make an anesthesia plan specific to the length of the surgery and the general health condition of the patient. In this way, the risk of the patient feeling pain and discomfort during the surgery is eliminated.

Is Neck Lift Permanent?

Neck tissues, which are stretched and adjusted thanks to neck lift surgery, may wear out again and sag over the years. The most effective way to prevent this is to exercise regularly, have a healthy diet plan and lifestyle. Your doctor will give a much more detailed information about this issue after the surgery.

How Long Does Neck Lift Take?

Neck lift surgery is generally completed within 3 to 5 hours. The neck is a large body area and all procedures performed during neck lift surgery are performed with great precision. Therefore, it is quite normal for the surgery to take longer than similar aesthetic operations.

How is Neck Lift Turkey Performed?

During neck lift surgery, anesthesia is first performed. Then, the tissues in the neck are rearranged within the plan prepared specifically for the patient by the doctor. Excess fat and skin tissue in this area is removed. The remaining skin tissue in the area is tightened using special techniques. Thus, the surgery is completed successfully.

What To Expect Before Your Procedure And What Does The Healing Process Look Like After Neck Lift Turkey?

Before neck lift surgery, the doctor and the patient have a detailed discussion. During this interview, the doctor examines the patient’s neck area. He takes note of the aesthetic problems he notices about this area. Then, he listens to his patient’s expectations from the surgery. In line with all these factors, he prepares a special surgery plan for his patient.

After neck lift surgery, patients usually stay in the hospital for 1 or 2 days. Discharged patients are advised to use their medications regularly and avoid movements that will cause a strain or hurt the neck area.

Turkey Neck Lift Prices 2024

You can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS) for further information and up-to-date prices about the Turkey Neck Lift surgery.

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