Genital Aesthetics Turkey

Genital aesthetics Turkey are operations performed to eliminate aesthetic problems in the genital area and to provide the individual with a genital area that is both functional and aesthetic. Many procedures, both surgical and non-surgical, can be used within the scope of genital aesthetics. The operations performed by surgery include vaginoplasty (vaginal tightening surgery), labiaplasty (labia minora aka inner lip aesthetics), and clitoral hoodectomy/hoodoplasty(clitoris aesthetics). Non-surgical applications include G-spot enlargement, O-spot enlargement and genital PRP treatments. In the rest of our article, we will answer FAQs such as “How is vaginoplasty performed?”, “How is labiaplasty performed?”, “What are the things to consider after genital aesthetics?” and “How long does genital aesthetic surgery take?”.

For detailed information about Turkey genital aesthetic operations, non-surgical genital aesthetic treatments, or similar operations/treatments you can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS).

What is Genital Aesthetics?

These are operations performed to eliminate aesthetic problems in the vulva and vaginal canal, which are the outer and inner parts of the female genitalia respectively. Thanks to these operations, it is possible to eliminate mot of the functional and aesthetic problems. The genital area has an extremely sensitive structure and over time; It may change as a result of factors such as wear, advancing age and genetic predisposition. Thanks to operations such as vaginoplasty, labiaplasty and hoodoplasty performed within the scope of genital aesthetics, it is possible to eliminate the mentioned wear and tear and give the genital area an attractive appearance. These operations are performed through surgical procedures, however, some individuals prefer non-surgical genital aesthetic procedures which we will explain in the rest of our article.

What is Non-Surgical Genital Aesthetics?

Non-surgical genital aesthetic applications are performed with the help of filling procedures or anti-aging applications. Surgical procedures are not used during these applications. Therefore, they do not require anaesthesia most of the time. These applications include procedures such as genital PRP treatments, O-spot and G-spot enlargement. It is possible for the patient to return to daily routines immediately after these procedures.

Why is Genital Aesthetics Turkey Performed?

Applications and operations within the scope of genital aesthetics Turkey can be performed for the following purposes:

  • To rejuvenate the genital area.
  • To ensure that the genital area has more of a tidy/tucked appearance.
  • To eliminate sagging of the vaginal lips.
  • Narrowing the vagina.
  • To enable the individual to get more pleasure from sexual intercourse and reach orgasm more easily.
  • To rearrange the tissue called clitoral hood surrounding the clitoris and to eliminate sagging in this tissue.

Genital aesthetic applications can be performed for such reasons.

Who Can Get Genital Aesthetics?

Genital aesthetic operations include procedures performed for aesthetic and cosmetic purposes. In other words, these are not the type of operations that are mandatory and important for the health of the individual. For this reason, genital aesthetic applications are not performed on minors. Individuals who are over the age of 18 can have genital aesthetics whenever they want.

How Long Does Genital Aesthetics Turkey Take?

It is possible to use different operations and applications within the scope of genital aesthetics. Therefore, the duration of genital aesthetics may vary depending on the type of operation and application performed. Labioplasty operations are generally completed in 45 minutes, vaginoplasty operations in 60 minutes, and hoodoplasty operations in 30 minutes. Non-surgical genital aesthetic procedures generally take 15 to 20 minutes.

How is Genital Aesthetics Done?

During applications within the scope of genital aesthetics, general or local anaesthesia may be used. Thus, the patient can be completely pain free and comfortable during the applications. Genital aesthetic operations are performed as follows:

  • Vaginoplasty: During the vaginoplasty operation, sagging and excess tissues in the patient’s vaginal canal are intervened. Excess tissues in this area are removed. The remaining tissues are rearranged. Thus, the vaginal canal is provided with a narrow structure. Thanks to vaginoplasty, the first 5 to 6 centimeters of the vaginal canal can be narrowed.
  • Labioplasty: During the labiaplasty procedure, the inner vaginal lips are intervened. That’s why labiaplasty is also known as inner lip aesthetics. During this operation, sagging of the inner vaginal lips is eliminated. It is also possible to perform it in combination with hoodroplasty upon request.
  • Hoodoplasty: During Hoodoplasty surgery, the tissue called clitoral cap located in the vulva that’s surrounding the clitoris is intervened. Sagging in this thin skin tissue is eliminated. Thus, a tidy appearance is created on the vulva. As we mentioned before, it is possible to perform it in a single surgery along with the labiaplasty operation.

Non-surgical genital aesthetic applications are generally performed with painless injection applications.

What are the things to consider after genital aesthetics?

Individuals who have genital aesthetics Turkey are generally discharged on the same day. After discharge, it is recommended that they wear comfortable underwear(not tight, also if possible, made from a material that’s mostly cotton) for a while, take a break from sexual intercourse for about 4 weeks, and not go to the sea or pool until full recovery.

Turkey Genital Aesthetics Prices 2024

You can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS) for further information and up-to-date prices about the Turkey genital aesthetics, labiaplasty and vaginoplasty prices.

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