Fox Eyes Surgery Turkey (Almond Eye)

Fox eyes surgery Turkey is the specialised aesthetic procedure to create a more slanted, youthful and attractive look of the eyes and periorbital (around the eye) region. This look called “bella eyes”, “fox eyes” or “almond eye” is gaining immense popularity in world today. Therefore fox eyes (almond eyes) surgery is on high demand in almost all countries. Through this aesthetic procedure one can achieve a more attractive eye shape, get rid of old or tired look around the eyes and obtain a younger and fresher look. In the following part of our article, you’ll find information regarding “how almond eye surgery is done?”, “how long does the fox eye surgery last?”, “what is almond eye surgery?”, “how much fox eye surgery costs?”, “who can have almond eye surgery?”, “how long it takes to recover from almond eye surgery?”, “why almond eye surgery is done?”. For a more detailed information and a free consultation about almond eye surgery or similar procedure you can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu, M.D., FEBOPRAS.

What Is Fox Eyes Surgery?

Fox eye surgery is the procedure to give the eyes an aesthetically more pleasant and attractive shape and an overall younger look to periorbital region. Through this procedure tissues surrounding eyes are rearranged in a favourable fashion. Thus eyes attain a more slanted shape, a more attractive gaze and excess skin & wrinkles are eliminated. Mild skin excess in the eyelids can also be addressed for, and an overall more harmonious appearance is obtained in periorbital region.

What is Fox Eye?

Almond eye is the eye shape in which outer corner (lateral canthus) of the eye is positioned higher on the horizontal axis than the inner corner (medial canthus) of the eye. This eye shape is observed in younger individuals and people with an overall attractive periorbital region, explaining the reason behind so many want to have similar look. And as the surgical techniques get more refined almond eye surgery is gaining more popularity each day.

Why is Fox Eyes Surgery Done?

Almond eye (fox eyes) surgery can be done for the following reasons:

  • Eliminate aesthetic problems in the periorbital region
  • Give eyes a more slanted look by elevating the outer corner of the eye
  • Give individual a more attractive gaze
  • Ameliorate minor aesthetic problems like skin excess or scleral show in eyelids
  • Create a younger and more dynamic look around the eyes

Who Can Have Fox Eyes Surgery?

Any individual older than 18 years of age who’s looking for a more attractive eye shape, lifted eyebrows and midface can have this surgery. It’s one of the most widely performed facial aesthetic procedures nowadays in younger patients. Due to legal reasons minors under the age of 18 cannot undergo aesthetic procedures.

Is Fox Eyes Surgery Turkey Painful?

Luckily no, fox eye (almond eye) surgery is not a particularly painful procedure. Some throbbing, dull pain is common for the first couple of days and tension on the temporal area can trigger headaches in some of the patients but fortunately it’s tolerated well and necessitates painkiller use only for the first few days after surgery. Work and social life can be easily resume after 5-7 days.

Is Fox Eyes Surgery Permanent?

Short answer to this question is: yes, it is permanent. However one should take into consideration that gravity exerts a consant pull on all of the face, eyebrow, midface and outer corner of the eye (lateral canthus) are among the most affected regions. Meaning, in following years – on long term- these regions can sag again to some extent, but the effects of the procedure will be long standing and set the appearance back several years.

How long Fox Eyes Surgery Lasts?

Depending on the patient and surgical technique it can last from 45 to 90 minutes. It’s often performed under full (general) anesthesia and the patient is asleep during the whole time. If performed endoscopically or if the regions to be addressed (midface or even the lower face) are larger, the duration can be longer. Your surgeon will provide detailed information about the duration of the surgery and operative techniques and plan to you in prior to the surgery.

How Fox Eyes Surgery Turkey Is Done?

Fox eye (almond eye) surgery can be done in a number of ways. One technique is using temporal lift with incision (cuts) done inside the hear bearing skin of the temples and pulling the outer part of the eyebrow, corner of the eye (lateral canthus) and midface upwards using special stiches and anchoring them to temples. Temporal lift can be done either under direct vision or special camera systems called endoscopes hence the term “endoscopically”. Incisions for temporal lifting is traditionally one for each side measuring approximately 4 centimeters but can also be 3-4 shorter incisions for the use of endoscopes. Following induction of anesthesia a solution of local anesthetic and adrenaline in injected to area to reduce bleeding during the surgery and reduce the pain in post operative period. Incisions are made, the regions to be addressed are mobilized and lifted, both sides are evaluated for symmetry and incisions are closed. Depending on the type of anesthesia patients are kept under observation for a few hours or overnight and subsequently discharged.

Fox Eyes Surgery Turkey Prices 2024

For price information regarding fox eye or almond eye surgery you can get in contact with Dr. Alper Burak Uslu.

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