Face Lift Turkey

Face lift Turkey is a special surgical operation performed to eliminate sagging and wrinkles on the face through rearrangement of facial tissues. Soft tissues, such as the fat tissues on the face, wear out over time due to both environmental factors and aging. Due to this wear and tear, they sag and make the individual appear older than they are. These tissues are rearranged during the operation known as facelift surgery or facelift aesthetics. Thus, aesthetic problems on the face were eliminated; A tight and youthful facial appearance is created. In the rest of our article, we will be answering FAQs such as “Why is face lift surgery performed?”, “How is face lift surgery performed?”, “Who can have face lift surgery?” and “How long does face lift surgery take?”.

For detailed information about Turkey face lift surgery and similar operations, you can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS).

What is a Face Lift aka Rhytidectomy?

Face lift is a special operation performed to rearrange facial tissues, eliminate sagging on the face, and create a youthful facial appearance. During this operation, excess tissues that cause sagging on the face are removed using various surgical techniques. The remaining tissues are repositioned using special methods such as hanging techniques. Thus, a smooth, young and dynamic facial appearance is created. Nowadays, face lift surgery can also be performed with endoscopic techniques. For detailed information on the subject, you can review the article titled Endoscopic Face Lift on our website.

Why is Face Lift Turkey Done?

Face lift surgery may be performed for reasons such as:

  • To eliminate sagging in facial tissues and the appearance resulting from sagging.
  • To eliminate wrinkles and lines on the facial skin.
  • Removing the excess skin at the lower jawline an Deep skin folds from the sides of the nose to the corner of the mouth.
  • To make the face look young, attractive and dynamic.

Face lift surgery can be performed for the mentioned purposes.

Who Can Have a Face Lift?

Face lift surgery is generally preferred by individuals over the age of 35. The reason for this is that the sagging in the tissues that make up the face reaches noticeable levels after the mentioned ages through collagen depletion. However, individuals who are of legal age can have face lift surgery at any age they want.

Is Face Lift Dangerous?

Face lift surgery is not a dangerous operation. However, like every surgical procedure, face lift surgery has some risks. These risks include complications such as unwanted tissue damage, bleeding, and postoperative infection. If the surgery is performed by a specialist in the field under appropriate operating room conditions, the risks mentioned will be extremely low.

How Long Does a Face Lift Turkey Take?

The purpose and scope of facelift surgery significantly affects the duration of the surgery. In some cases, face lift surgery takes up to 3 hours, and in other cases it can take up to 6 hours. Your doctor will make a special plan for you before the surgery and will inform you in detail about the estimated duration of the surgery.

Is Face Lift Surgery Painful?

Before the face lift surgery, the surgeon who will perform the surgery and a specialist anaesthesiologist will make a special anaesthesia plan for you. This will prevent you from feeling pain and discomfort during the surgery.

How is Face Lift Surgery Performed?

Different procedures can be performed during face lift surgery. This operation begins with anaesthesia. Then, surgical incisions are made to certain areas on the face. With the help of these incisions, excess skin and fatty tissues are removed. The remaining skin tissue is tightened to create a smooth facial appearance and eliminate sagging. Finally, the surgical incisions made at the beginning of the surgery are closed with special suturing techniques. Thus, the surgery is completed successfully.

What is the Recovery Process After Face Lift Surgery?

Individuals who have facelift surgery are usually advised to stay in the hospital for 1 to 2 nights following the surgery. During this process, special attention is paid to the care of patients. Individuals who are discharged enter a rapid recovery process. Over time, the swelling on their face decreases and the oedema disappears. Within approximately 1 month, the results achieved through surgery become more noticeable. During this process, the patient must follow the recommendations given by the doctor and use the prescribed medications regularly.

Turkey Face Lift Prices 2024

You can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS) for further information and up-to-date prices about the Turkey Face Lift Surgery.

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