Eyelid Aesthetics Turkey

Eyelid aesthetics Turkey is an aesthetic operation performed to eliminate saggy or baggy eyelids and to create an appearance that makes the individuals look less tired, more youthful and well rested. Eyelids can wear out due to both advancing age and environmental factors. When this wear and tear is combined with genetic factors, problems such as eyelid ptosis aka sagging may occur. Thanks to eyelid aesthetics, it is possible to eliminate droopy or hooded eyelids, eyelid bags and similar aesthetic problems. Thanks to this operation, functional problems arising from the mentioned aesthetic problems can also be eliminated. In the rest of our article, we will answer FAQs such as “How is eyelid aesthetics performed?”, “How long does eyelid aesthetics take?”, “Who can have eyelid aesthetics?” and “What is the recovery process like after eyelid aesthetics?”.

For detailed information about Turkey eyelid surgery and similar operations or treatments, you can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS).

What is Eyelid Aesthetics aka Blepharoplasty?

Eyelid aesthetics, which occurs due to sagging of the eyelids and the baggy appearance being more prominent due to couple aforementioned factors; is a special operation performed to eliminate aesthetic and functional problems. During this operation, the tissues that make up the eyelids can be rearranged. Excess tissues that cause sagging and bagging can be removed. Thus, the narrowed vision and tired appearance caused by eyelid sagging can be eliminated. This operation is completed faster compared to aesthetic procedures performed with similar manners, thus the recovery period is much shorter.

Why is Eyelid Aesthetics Performed?

Eyelid aesthetics can be performed for purposes such as:

  • To eliminate sagging of the eyelids.
  • To rearrange the tissues that make up the eyelids.
  • To eliminate baggy eyelids.
  • To eliminate the tired look caused by problems such as eyelid sagging or bags.
  • Creating a much younger and more dynamic eye appearance.

Eyelid aesthetics can be performed for the reasons mentioned.

What Causes Droopy Eyelids?

There may be many reasons for eyelid sagging. The main reason for this is genetic predisposition. However, factors such as advancing age, environmental factors and sudden weight gain or loss can also cause eyelid sagging.

Who Can Have Eyelid Aesthetics Turkey?

Eyelid sagging usually begins to become a noticeable problem after the age of 35. That’s why operations such as eyelid aesthetics are generally preferred by middle-aged individuals. However, any individual over the age of 18 can have eyelid aesthetics upon request. If there is an infection in the eyelids or surrounding tissues, eyelid aesthetics may be postponed for a while until the underlying condition is eliminated.

Is Eyelid Aesthetics Painful?

Eyelid aesthetics is performed painlessly. The reason for this is that the patient is anesthetized before the surgery. Within the scope of pre-surgical planning (the planning made before the surgery via the consultation), the patient is placed under local or general anaesthesia. Thus, the patient does not feel pain or discomfort during the surgery.

How Long Does Eyelid Aesthetics Take To Perform?

Eyelid aesthetics is completed in approximately 1 hour. In some cases, the operation can be completed in as little as 45 minutes. Your doctor will give detailed information about the estimated duration of eyelid aesthetics.

How is Eyelid Aesthetics Turkey Done?

During eyelid aesthetics, as we mentioned before, anaesthesia is performed priorly. Thanks to this procedure, the patient will be completely pain-free from the procedures performed during the surgery. After the anaesthesia procedure is completed, the surgical operation begins. Within the scope of this operation, tissues that cause excess and therefore sagging in the eyelid are removed. The remaining tissues are rearranged to create an eyelid that is both aesthetic and functional. The surgery ends after the planned procedures are carried out in order.

What is the Healing Process After Eyelid Aesthetics?

Individuals who have eyelid aesthetics are generally discharged within the day of the operation. The patient’s recovery is majorly completed within their 1 week and return to their daily lives. It is recommended not to rub the eyelids during the healing process, to use the medications prescribed by the doctor regularly and to avoid behaviours that may damage the eyelids. Likewise, they are advised to sleep in a supine position (lying flat on their back) with their head elevated for a while.

Turkey Eyelid Aesthetics Prices 2024

You can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS) for further information and up-to-date prices about the Turkey eyelid aesthetics.

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