Endoscopic Face Lift Turkey

Endoscopic face lift Turkey is an operation performed to tighten facial tissues with closed surgical methods, thus creating a youthful facial appearance without leaving any scars. During classical face lift surgeries, patients are left with relatively large scars in certain parts of the face. Nowadays, with the help of new and modern techniques, it is possible to have a face lift procedure without leaving any scars on the visible parts of the face. The minimal incisions made during this operation, known as endoscopic facelift, remain hidden on the scalp. Moreover, the healing process of this application is comparatively more comfortable and faster. In the rest of our article, FAQs such as “How is an endoscopic face lift performed?”, “What are the advantages of endoscopic face lift surgery?”, “Who can have an endoscopic face lift?” and “How long does an endoscopic face lift take?”.

You can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS) for detailed information about Turkey endoscopic face lift surgery and similar operations or treatments.

What is Endoscopic Face Lift?

Endoscopic face lift is a special operation performed through extremely small and well-hidden incisions to eliminate aesthetic problems such as sagging on the face. Endoscopic techniques are used during this operation. Thus, there is no need to make large surgical incisions in an important area such as the face during surgery. The small incisions performed are in the area of the scalp and are near impossible to notice from the outside. Another advantage of face lift surgery performed with endoscopic methods is that the recovery process being much faster than the classical method. Thus, there’s less downtime and individuals can return to their daily routines and work relatively quickly.

Why is Endoscopic Face Lift Performed?

Endoscopic facelift can be performed for purposes such as:

  • To eliminate sagging on the face.
  • Creating a youthful facial appearance.
  • To remove wrinkles and lines on the face.
  • To ensure that the individual has an attractive and lively face.

Endoscopic face lift surgery can be performed for such reasons.

Who Can Have Endoscopic Face Lift Turkey?

Endoscopic facelift surgery is extremely suitable for individuals who want to have a facelift but are afraid of some of the consequences of classical facelift surgery. This operation is generally preferred by individuals older than 35 years of age. However, if there is an underlying health or aesthetic concern that may enable the operation, anyone of legal age can have this operation.

What are the Advantages of Endoscopic Face Lift?

The advantages of endoscopic facelift include:

  • The surgical incisions used during this operation are extremely small.
  • Surgical incisions remain on the scalp and are not noticeable from the outside.
  • There is no pain or discomfort during endoscopic face lift surgery.
  • Recovery time is much shorter.
  • Patients can return to work and daily life very quickly after surgery.
  • Risks such as postoperative infection are relatively lower.

The advantages of endoscopic facelift can be listed as above.

Is Endoscopic Face Lift Painful?

Endoscopic facelift is not a painful operation. The most important reason for this is that the patient is anaesthetized before the surgery. During the surgery, patients are unconscious and do not feel any pain. Thus, the surgery takes place safely and comfortably.

How Long Does Endoscopic Face Lift Take?

Endoscopic face lift surgery is completed in approximately 1 to 2 hours. The duration of this operation is much less than that of classic face lift surgery.

How is Endoscopic Face Lift Turkey Performed?

During endoscopic face lift surgery, the patient is first put under general anaesthesia. Then, strategic surgical incisions are applied to the areas of the scalp. With the help of these incisions, the tissues on the face are manipulated. Sagging on the face is eliminated and the face is tightened with the help of special techniques. Thus, the changes aimed at surgery are successfully achieved.

What are the Before and After Endoscopic Face Lift Processes?

Before endoscopic face lift surgery, the doctor plans a special surgery for his patient. Thanks to this planning, the exact facial appearance requested by the patient is created.

After endoscopic face lift surgery, patients are stayed in the hospital for up to 1 night. Discharged patients must use prescribed medications regularly and carefully follow the aftercare recommendations given by the doctor.

Turkey Endoscopic Face Lift Prices 2024

You can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS) for further information and up-to-date prices about the Turkey Endoscopic Face Lift surgery.

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