Buttock Enhancement Turkey (Gluteal Augmentation)

Buttock enhancement Turkey is an operation performed to give the butt a round, firm and voluminous appearance and to eliminate aesthetic problems on or around the butt. Buttock Enhancement has become one of the most preferred aesthetic operations worldwide. Thanks to this operation, not only it is possible to enlarge the buttocks, it is also possible reduce or lift the butt. In the continuation of our article, we will be answering FAQs such as “How is buttock enhancement performed?”, “What is the recovery process after buttock enhancement?”, “Who can undergo buttock enhancement surgery?” and “How long does buttock enhancement last?”.

For detailed information about Turkey Buttock Enhancement surgeries and similar operations, you can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS).

What is Istanbul Buttock aka Gluteal Enhancement?

Butt aesthetics is an aesthetic operation performed to give the butt a distinct, attractive and overall, a compatible appearance with the rest of the body. Thanks to the operations performed within the scope of butt aesthetics, it is possible to get rid of stretch marks, sagging and similar aesthetic problems in the butt area. Thanks to this operation, it is possible to lift, enlarge, reduce and reshape the butt. Within the scope of butt aesthetics, special applications such as BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) can also be used. In this way, individuals can have an attractive and prominent butt appearance.

Why is Buttock Augmentation?

Buttock enhancement can be performed for purposes such as:

  • To enlarge and redefine the butt.
  • Reducing the butt and clarifying the butt line/the silhouette.
  • To lift the butt.
  • To eliminate sagging in and around the butt, thus creating a tight and youthful appearance.
  • To create an appearance that is compatible with body lines.

Buttock Enhancement can be performed for the reasons mentioned.

Who Can get the Buttock Enhancement Surgery?

Buttock enhancement is performed on individuals who are over the age of 18. At earlier ages, the tissues that make up the hips may not have completed their development yet. That’s why such plastic surgeries are not performed on minors. Individuals who are of legal age can have butt aesthetics whenever they want.

Is Buttock Enhancement Permanent?

Buttock enhancement is a permanent operation. However, if healthy eating habits are not taken into consideration, lifestyle is not regulated and exercise is not performed regularly, the results obtained with butt aesthetics may be lost. Therefore, individuals planning to have butt aesthetics are advised to exercise regularly and adopt a healthy lifestyle after the operation.

How Long Does Buttock Enhancement Last?

Butt aesthetics is an operation that can take 3 to 6 hours. The duration of this operation may vary from person to person depending on the applications made during the operation. Likewise, the purpose of the operation may also affect the duration of butt aesthetics. After your doctor plans a special butt aesthetics for you, he will provide detailed information about the estimated duration of the surgery.

How is Buttock Aesthetics Done/How many types of Buttock Aesthetics are out there?

There are four different applications performed within the scope of buttock aesthetics. Some of these applications can be performed within the scope of a single operation:

  • Buttock Augmentation: During buttock augmentation surgery, excess fat tissues taken from the patient’s own body or specially structured implant tissues are used. Thus, hip volume is increased and attractive buttocks are formed.
  • Buttock Reduction: During buttock reduction surgery, excess tissues in the buttocks are removed. Thus, the buttocks are gained an elegant and attractive appearance that is compatible with the rest of the body.
  • Buttock Lift: During butt lift surgery, the tissues in the butt are rearranged. Excess tissue that causes sagging can be removed or tissue can be added to the hip area to give the buttocks a lifted appearance. Butt lift surgery can also be performed during surgeries such as buttock reduction or buttock enlargement.

These operations are mostly performed under general anaesthesia. This prevents patients from feeling pain during surgery.

What is the Healing Process After Buttock Enhancement?

Individuals who have buttock enhancement are discharged 1 day after the operation. Individuals who are discharged should lie down and rest for a while. However, it is important that they pay attention to their lying and sitting positions. Likewise, it is not recommended to do heavy work or engage in movements that will strain the hip area such as climbing the stairs. It is possible for the patients to gradually return to their daily routines within 10 days. However, in this process, they should pay attention to some points recommended by the doctor until full recovery is achieved.

Turkey Buttock Enhancement Prices 2024

You can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS) for further information and up-to-date prices about the Turkey buttock enhancement Surgery.

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