Botox Turkey

Botox Turkey is a special application performed to eliminate skin wrinkles and give the skin a smooth and youthful appearance. Under the facial skin there are muscle tissues that enable facial expressions and aid in facial expressions to occur. Wrinkles and lines may appear on the skin surface over time due to factors such as excessive use of these tissues and advancing age. Botox application is performed to eliminate these wrinkles and lines and to give the skin an attractive and youthful appearance. This application is also widely preferred to eliminate problems such as excessive sweating. In the remaining of our article, we will answer FAQ’S such as “How is botox done?”, “How long does botox last?”, “What are the things to consider after Botox?” and “To which areas can botox be applied?”

For further information about Botox Turkey application and similar non-surgical aesthetic procedures, you can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS).

What is Botox?

Botox is a procedure performed with the help of a special liquid called botulinum toxin, and is one of the most preferred non-surgical aesthetic applications both in our country and worldwide. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to eliminate wrinkles and lines in many body areas. This procedure, which is considered extremely safe if performed by an expert plastic surgeon, can now be performed in private practices, private hospitals and private clinics.

Why is Botox Done?

Botox can be performed for many different purposes. The most common of these purposes is to get rid of wrinkles and lines in the target area, especially the face area. However, botox treatment can also be used to reduce the severity or frequency of headaches felt during migraine attacks. Likewise, botox can be performed to eliminate excessive sweating and to decrease the severity of hyperhidrosis. Regardless of the purpose for which botox is requested, your doctor will plan all procedures specifically for your needs and demands.

Who Can Get Botox Turkey?

Botox procedure is mostly performed for cosmetic and aesthetic purposes. For this reason, like many aesthetic applications, botox is not recommended for minors. Individuals over the age of 18 can have botox upon request. However, there should not be an open wound, active infection or herpes in the area where they plan to have botox. Otherwise, the botox procedure may be postponed for a while until the aforementioned conditions disappear.

To Which Areas Can Botox be Applied?

Botox can be applied to areas such as:

  • Around the eyes to eliminate crow’s feet wrinkles.
  • Around the nose to remove wrinkles and lines around the nose.
  • Around the mouth to eliminate lines around the mouth and lips.
  • For forehead lines, apply to the forehead area.
  • To the cheek area for aesthetic problems around the cheekbone.
  • To the armpits and facial areas to eliminate excessive sweating.
  • As part of migraine treatment with Botox, apply to the forehead and around the temple.

Botox procedure can be applied to such areas.

What are the Benefits of Botox Turkey?

Benefits of Botox include:

  • Its effectiveness for removing wrinkles and lines.
  • Its preventative application to the muscle tissue in the area that’s working excessively thus causing premature wrinkles.
  • Its aid in the individuals to achieve a vibrant, smooth and attractive appearance by allowing the muscles to relax in a controlled manner.

The benefits of Botox can be listed as above.

Is Botox Permanent?

The effects of botox are not permanent, these effects usually last for 4 to 6 months and then disappear over time. The said period may vary depending on the individual’s skin type, lifestyle and dietary habits.

Is Botox Turkey Repeatable?

Individuals who have had botox before can have their botox procedure renewed upon request. This process is generally repeated every 6 months. Your doctor will inform you in detail about issues such as at what intervals the botox procedure can be repeated.

How Long Does Botox Last?

The botox process can be completed in approximately 15 minutes. Before this procedure, your doctor will make a completely personalized botox plan for his patient. That’s why all procedures during botox are carried out quickly, by your doctors planning via the consultation before the procedure.

How is Botox Performed?

Botox procedure is one of the most comfortable and painless applications for the patient among non-surgical aesthetic applications. In the first step of this application, a cream with an anaesthetic effect is applied to the skin area where the botox injection will be made. After the numbing effect of the cream begins, botox liquid is injected into the target area and the application is completed. Individuals who have botox can continue their daily routines after the procedure is completed.

Turkey Botox Prices 2024

You can contact Dr. Alper Burak Uslu (MD, FEBOPRAS) for further information and up-to-date prices about the Turkey Botox procedure.

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